User Name
Communication Checklist
Date Of Assessment
File Number
Patient Name
Therapist Id
Speech & Language
Hearing and Understanding
By 3 Months
Makes Eye Contact
Cries differently for different needs
Coos and Smiles
Turns heads towards sound and voice
Quiets and Smiles in response t sound or voice
Shows interest in faces
By 6 Months
Begins to use constonant sounds in babbling
Makes diff. kinds of sounds to express feelings
Use bubbling to get attention
Listens and responds when spoke to
Reacts to sudden noises or sounds
Notices toys that make sounds
By 9 Months
Imitates Sounds
Uses increased variety of sounds
Participation in two-way communication
Recongizes sound of their name
Looks at familiar objects and people when named
Follows some routine commands paired with gestures
By 12 Months
Meaningfully uses "mama" or "dada"
Imitates Speech Sounds
Babbling has sounds and rhythms of speech
Responds to "No"
Responds to simple directions,
Pays attention to where you are looking/pointing
By 15 Months
May uses 5-10 words
Imitates simple wrods and actions
Combines sounds and gestures
consistently follows simple directions
Shows interst in pictures
Can identify 1-2 body parts when named
By 18 Months
Repeats words overheard in conversation
Responds to questions
Continues to produce speech-like babbling
Points at familiar objects and people in pictures
Understanding "in" and "On"
Responds to yes/no question with head shake/nod
By 21 Months
Use atleast 50 words
Consistently imitates new words
Names objects and pictures
Understands simple pronouns
Understands new words quickly
Identifiesi 3-5 body parts when named
By 24 Months
Uses gestures and words during pretend play
Begins to use 2-words phrases
Use Simple pronouns
Understand action words
Follows 2-step related direction
Enjoys listening to stories
By 30 Months
Consistently uses 2-3 words phrases
Uses "In" and "On"
At least 50% of speech is understood by caregiver
Foolow 2-step unrelated directions
Understands basic nouns and pronouns
Understands "Mine" and "Yours"
By 36 Months
Asks "What" and "Where" questions
Uses plurals
Most speech is understood by caregiver
Understands most simple sentences
Simple understanding of concepts like color/space/time
Understands "why" questions