User Name
Ability Checklist
Date Of Assessment
File Number
Patient Name
Therapist Id
Play and Social Skills
Enjoyts playful face-to-face interaction with people
Coos in response to playful interaction
Notice and responds to sounds
Moves legs and arms off of surface when excited
Uses vision to follow black and white or brightly colored objects
Is able to open and shut hands
Is able to bring hands to mouth
Is able to be on tummy for short bursts of time
Daily Activities
Is able to latch on while nursing or bottle feeding
Is able to calm during car rides when not tired to hungry
Enjoys bath time
Is usually able to tolerate diaper changing without crying
Is able to be comforted by cuddling or a parent's touch
Is not upset with everday sound
Enjoys varied playful
Does not demonstrate frequent or long bouts of being upset
Is able to calm with exp.such as rocking,touching and calm sounds